House Exchange is a national mutual exchange platform, celebrating 20 years of helping social housing residents and landlords.
Since 2004, we have enabled over 300 landlords to offer an advanced mutual exchange platform to their residents, providing two million individuals the opportunity to register at no cost.
Developed with local authorities and social landlords, House Exchange is also a founding partner of the Government’s HomeSwap Direct scheme.
We provide the expertise and resources needed for seamless and confident house exchanges, helping an average of 14,000 residents swap their home each year.
Join our House Exchange revolution
If you are a social landlord or local authority, House Exchange could help you save time and money by making it easier for your residents to swap homes without going through a third party. Led by a dedicated team, we offer a personalised service with a focus on improving residents’ lives and making a difference.

Benefits of using House Exchange
- We use clever, cost-effective technology that matches and connects residents.
- Hundreds of properties are added to our platform every day across the UK and updated in real-time for instant results.
- We have a large quantity of choices to match your residents’ needs - from studio apartments to six-bedroom, detached family houses.
- We offer a solution for unloved homes with our advertising feature, helping you push low-demand homes into the spotlight and save lost rent.
- We provide ongoing training and technical support to maximise your membership and the platform.
- Managing your residents’ data and reporting their activity is secure, quick and straightforward with our easy-to-navigate portal.
- Unlock a full suite of marketing materials and digital content to promote mutual exchange directly with your residents.
Making moves happen
House Exchange connects residents seeking to move home. Whether downsizing or needing more space for a growing family, our platform matches property adverts and enables households to move to a property more suited to their needs.
Our growing network of partnerships with social landlords ensures residents have the best opportunities to find their new homes.
"The process of implementing House Exchange couldn’t have been easier, with marketing information provided so that we could launch our new mutual exchange service quickly and easily. House Exchange were able to provide everything we needed and six months in we have over 1000 registered customers on the site. The portal is easy to use, and it has been a successful partnership, enabling our customers to move to homes of their choice."
Lisa, landlord at Midland Heart
Join House Exchange
Landlords or local authorities
If you are interested in joining House Exchange, please get in touch to find out further details.
Contact usResidents
If you’re interested in swapping your home, visit the House Exchange website or register for free.
House Exchange manages and operates the online platform only; we are not involved in the processing of mutual exchange, including the condition of listed properties and any repair issues. Partnered landlords are responsible for being transparent with residents on their new and existing property and for carrying out the appropriate checks.