Eliminate fuel poverty and generate over £3bn in social value by 2050
Our charitable foundation Clarion Futures supports communities and helps individuals to achieve their potential. This social investment results in improved outcomes we’re able to quantify as social value.
This is the value placed on metrics such as improved wellbeing and increased life chances through having a home and a job.
We calculate our social value using methodology developed by The Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust and Simetrica-Jacobs - experts in social value analysis, research and econometrics.
We are also committed as part of our work to do everything we can in our power to eliminate fuel poverty for our residents. We will do this through a mixture of our work through Clarion Futures to deliver money guidance and energy efficiency advice, but primarily through our energy efficiency retrofit programme.
A social return on investment in 2023-24
spent by Clarion Futures on helping people and communities
social value generated by this work
people helped into secure employment
A business for social purpose
Our size and scale, as the country’s largest social landlord, enables us to generate significant social value. We’re a business for social purpose that exists to improve people’s lives. This means that any surplus we have goes back into our homes and communities.
As a major provider and developer of affordable housing, we deliver economic growth through jobs and apprenticeships. We also support local economies by ensuring that at least 10% of our spending on new developments is with the local supply chain.
Our social value is a key factor in a £100m loan agreed with NatWest in 2021. The interest rate on this loan is linked to Social Key Performance Indicators. These include the social value that our supply chain generates.
Delivering social value is part of the contracts we have with our major contractors. Every year our contractors deliver hundreds of social value initiatives, including:
- Apprenticeships
- Training sessions
- Vocational qualifications
- Improvements to community buildings
- Donations of electronic devices, equipment or services
- Planned Investment asset report 2020-21April 2020pdf2.04MBApril 2020pdf2.04MB