Our credentials
As one of the country’s leading housing providers, we’re a strategic partner of Homes England.
Our sustainability credentials have led to us being granted the Certified Sustainable Housing Label. We were the first housing association in the UK to receive this label as part of a European initiative which promotes sustainability.
Clarion at a glance
We build new homes, develop thriving communities and help people across the country.

Our history
We have a heritage in social housing that goes back to the start of the 20th century and were formed in 2016 through the merger of Affinity Sutton and Circle Housing.
Clarion Housing Group comprises:
- Clarion Housing Association
- Latimer, our development arm
- Clarion Futures, our charitable foundation
- Grange, our property management service
- Clarion Response, our home repairs service
Other boards
Find out about the boards of the Clarion Housing Group’s subsidiaries including Clarion Housing Association, Clarion Futures and Latimer.