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News1 December 2022

Clarion hosts 9 day campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and its victims

This year, Clarion is hosting 9 days of online sessions for its ‘Take Action to End Domestic Abuse’ initiative, which includes a special one-day male domestic abuse awareness conference. The sessions are Clarion’s contribution to the International 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence 2022, a global campaign which encourages action and awareness of all forms of violence against women and girls.

Clarion’s ‘Take Action to End Domestic Abuse’ initiative, which started on 28th November and is comprised of mainly online events, will enable professionals, practitioners and organisations to share learning and gain valuable insight on how to better identify and support victims of abuse.

The International 16 Days of Action campaign is focussed on violence against women and girls. But it is widely recognised men and boys are also affected by domestic abuse. In response to this Clarion’s one-day in-person conference on the 1st December, hosted by Ashford Borough Council, will help illustrate the real-life impact of domestic abuse on male victims and offer guidance in how to improve support for this often overlooked group.

The Mankind Initiative, a domestic abuse charity that supports male victims, found that around 4 million men are affected by domestic abuse every year and as many as 1 in 6 UK males will experience domestic abuse in their life, with statistics showing that the police receive a call every three minutes from a male victim.

There is a growing need to ensure that men and their children who are victims of domestic abuse are heard. To address this, the in person conference aims to help practitioners and organisations tackle the unconscious bias surrounding the role of males in violent relationships and households.

Kevin Prior, Head of Supported Housing at Clarion Housing Group, said:

“We are pleased to be hosting our ‘Take Action to End Domestic Abuse’ initiative, and organising the one day conference focussing specifically on male victims, to shine a light on this critical issue in society. With extensive experience in this area, we are excited to join our partners both in-person and online to provide essential knowledge and training to organisations and practitioners so they can better identify and support victims of abuse.”

Clarion’s domestic abuse service, commissioned by Kent County Council, Medway Council and the Kent Police and Crime Commissioners Office, provides specialist support to men and women aged 16 and above living in either refuge or the local community who are currently experiencing or have recently experienced abuse. The support we provide includes: Safety planning, managing the impact of trauma, access to legal advice and civil orders, parenting support, safeguarding, health and wellbeing advice (including specialist trauma counselling for adults and children), access to education and employment and support to access welfare benefits and financial advice.

Here are the sessions that will be available over the 9-day campaign:

'Boys, Childhood Domestic Abuse, and Gang Involvement: Violence at Home, Violence On-Road'~
Dr Jade Levell, Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Gender Violence at the University of Bristol
28th November, 14:00 – 15:00 (Online)

SignHealth Domestic Abuse Service
Marie Vickers, Domestic Abuse Service Manager
29th November, 10:00 – 11:00 (Online)

Clarion Stalking Awareness Workshop
Sally Notridge, IDVA, ISVA, ISAC
29th November, 11:30 – 12:30 (Online)

Beech House, Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
Claire Merton, SARC Senior Trainer Outreach Crisis Worker
30th November, 14:00 – 15:00 (Online)

Domestic Abuse & Male Victims Event
This event is free to attend. Tea, coffee and lunch will be provided.
1st December, 10am to 2pm at Ashford Borough Council

Hospital IDVA Service
Lisa Waters, Hospital IDVA Service Manager
2nd December, 11:00 – 12:00 (Online)

An Interview Domestic Abuse Survivor
Katie Simmons, Tenancy Support Officer
5th December, 11:00 – 12:00 (Online)

‘Daughter of a Murderer’
Diane Clarke, Author & CEO of CatchU Charity
7th December, Time TBC (Online)

‘Lioness Tamar: from Victimhood to DA Professional’
Tamar Nwafor, Director of The Lioness Pride CIC
8th December, 11:00 – 12:00 (Online)

To book space on any of these online events, please contact